Feeling stressed at work is probably one of the most common emotions. Although the workplace can be fun, the responsibility and task overload can often feel overwhelming. This is not beneficial for the well-being and efficiency of employees.
Helping staff to be and feel less stressed is bound to encourage employee productivity, which will make your business more efficient and successful. Hence, taking on these tips will benefit your business and your staff.
Use innovative technology to reduce the workload
Businesses can introduce many measures of intelligent technology to reduce employee workloads.
For instance, let’s say you run a medical business. Using an expert healthcare data system and releasing information through enabling technology is a smart way to reduce the staff’s workload so they can have less pressure at work. Release of information will allow you complete control over the information released, giving your team less to do. Having less to do and lowering the workload will help employees feel less stressed. You should also ensure that everything at the healthcare facility is working as it should; there are companies that provide medical gas services, for instance, which will keep your vital equipment in tip-top condition. Ultimately, it’s about providing your employees with the environment and tools they need to deliver their best work.
Allow flexible working
To further decrease the stress on your employees, it is a good idea to allow and encourage flexible working hours. If your employees know they are the most productive when they start work earlier and work from home several days a week, there is no harm in allowing it.
Allowing your employees working lives to be more flexible can ensure more productivity and happiness.
Think about taking walking meetings
Although it is traditional to have meetings in an office environment, sometimes some air is all that is needed to feel less stressed. There is nothing quite like having a conversation outside. Even if the meeting involves tense discussions, it will feel lighter to have it outside.
Hence, taking walking meetings when you have one-on-one commitments can help you both feel more relaxed and at ease while making tough decisions. Then, you can return to the office feeling reset and ready to tackle the issue.
Make more time for fun
The office is a place where employees need to be as productive and committed as possible. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun now and again.
If you find that your office is too serious and work-heavy, try to encourage more fun. Making more time for fun could simply mean finishing early every Friday to allow for after-work drinks. Or, make sure that you celebrate everyone’s birthday with lunchtime cake and games.
Make time to listen
If an employee is going through something – work-related or not – it is crucial that they have someone to turn to. Having someone to talk to will allow them to let out their emotions, unload their thoughts, and seek advice.
If they do not have anyone to talk to outside of work – especially about work-related stress – then you should offer a shoulder to lean on in the workspace. Being a boss who listens and is open to conversation about mental health will encourage employees to feel more relaxed when coming to you with a problem. The more you listen, the more at ease they can handle. They can seek comfort at work and find a solution to their issue to reduce their stress levels.
Encourage socializing in the office
The office should be a place to converse as well as work. Therefore, you should encourage socializing in the office so that staff do not work, work, work all day long. If you allow time for socializing, employees can get to know each other and feel more relaxed around their colleagues. A lack of socializing can hinder connections, leading to a tense workplace.
The more staff know each other, the more friendly and at ease they can be.
Offer fitness classes or incentives
Getting outside and moving is great when the mind and body feel tense. Although walking can be a great way to de-stress, your staff won’t always need walking meetings to put their mind at rest. Instead, offering something more fitness-related might work.
Hence, offering fitness classes or memberships can encourage employees to exercise more, which is a great stress buster. You could provide yoga memberships or add a gym space to the office so employees can go for a lunchtime run or an after-work weight-lifting session.
There are many simple measures to take to help reduce your employees’ stress. It is common for employees to feel intense pressure from time to time, especially when they have a lot of responsibility. If they are not proactive about de-stressing, make it your responsibility to help. You will benefit them and the business.